Following the cycle of meetings to exchange opinions and experiences about the reality of COVID-19, ALOOH held a new virtual meeting of the OOH industry for the region, with the aim of sharing experiences from countries in the phase of economic recovery or where government measures have not been so strict. The meeting, presented and conducted by Gabriel Cedrone, President of ALOOH, was attended by businessmen and leaders from the OOH Industry from all over the world.

From China, Jim Liu, CEO of BNR Communications, highlighted that “even though participation was opened, production didn’t open at the same rate as before. The foreign industry has many restrictions, so local brands are recovering faster than international brands”. For his part, Mats Rönne from Outdoor Impact of Sweden highlighted the local situation in the country with the highest mortality rate. He explained that in his country the government avoided restricting the civil and personal liberties of the population, and ruled on the state of the local OOH industry.

From Russia, Jane Baranova (TMG Transit Media Group) assured that in her country a recovery in employment is already beginning to be seen. Sebastián Leoz, CEO of Amplify Paraguay, reported the strategies that the OOH Industry is carrying out to get ahead in the face of the crisis and detailed the measures that they promoted from the Paraguayan Chamber of Advertisers. From Peru, Piero Aranda (Latin American Outdoors), spoke about the government, health and Peruvian OOH market situation and maintained that the objective now is “to generate liquidity in the short term with a long-term vision”. Fabi Soriano, Executive Director of Central de Outdoor, shared campaigns that are being carried out to give information to the population, and highlights that “it’s important to keep in mind that the Out of Home ends up playing a social role at this point, by providing the possibility of data like these”.

As always, at the end there was a space for questions from the participating public, and Liang Zhu (Let & Go Barcelona), who will give one of the next ALOOH webinars, referred to the different ways of obtaining international financing for the digitization of the industry at very convenient rates. Finally, the Vice President of ALOOH, Guillermo de Lella, anticipated the next ALOOH webinar, scheduled for this Wednesday, June 3, which will be about audience strategy and how to put them to work for the results in the OOH.